Thursday, July 30, 2009

10 Commandments ALLOWED for a Change

Once again the ACLU has gone to court to remove a display of the Ten Commandments from a county courthouse. The display was in Mercer County, Ohio, and the 6th Circuit Court in Cincinnati ruled that the display could stand. Now, these cases turn both ways, depending on the court. What I personally find exciting about this case is the judge's logic. He seems to have a better understanding of the Constitution than many (which, of course, means he agree with me!). He said:

"the ACLU makes repeated reference to 'the separation of church and state.' This extra-constitutional construct has grown tiresome. The First Amendment does not demand a wall of separation between church and state."

The Alliance Defense Fund, who worked on the side of the county, said this:

The court went on to note that the ACLU's argument that the Ten Commandments are religious does not answer the question of whether the display actually endorses religion. The court stated that the ACLU "erroneously-though perhaps intentionally" equates merely recognizing religion as government endorsement of religion. "To endorse is necessarily to recognize, but the converse does not follow," the court wrote.

Read more here: Alliance Defense Fund website

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