Monday, March 30, 2009

President FDR - Faith in Freedom Under the Guidance of God

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said the following on January 6, 1941, during a speech to Congress:

"Today, thank God, one hundred and thirty million Americans, in forty-eight Sates, have forgotten points of the compass in our national unity... We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression... The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way... This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose. To that high concept there can be no end save victory."

Read the whole speech at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Libray and Museum

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